AAMGI is an independent medical group of physician anesthesiologists and intensivists providing perioperative anesthesia services and critical care services for over 10 Sonoma and Napa County facility locations.

Anesthesia & Analgesia Medical Group, Inc. is a fully integrated medical group with over 50 anesthesiologists providing perioperative and critical care anesthesia services through board certified physicians at over 10 hospitals and facilities throughout Sonoma and Napa Counties in Northern California. Our physicians have trained at some of the finest medical schools and training programs in the United States including at Brown, Clark, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, Lewis, P&S Columbia University, Tulane, Rhodes, Stanford, UC Berkeley, UC Davis, UCLA, UCSF, Yale.

Our goals are to provide fully integrated anesthesia, analgesia, and intensive care services to our patients; meet and exceed expectations in quality of care of our patients, surgeons, interventionalists/proceduralists, hospital nursing staff and administration; and maintain a corporate structure that attracts and retains the best anesthesiologists for the entirety of their professional career.

Mission Statement

AAMGI is a professional medical corporation whose mission is:

  • To strive to provide the full spectrum of anesthesia services at all times to our community
  • To be an indispensable resource of specialized knowledge and skills to help solve health care problems
  • To work proactively with all participants in health care delivery in solving the problems facing our patients, community, and clients in our changing environment
  • To create a collegial, cohesive culture enjoyed by all our members
  • To continuously evaluate and improve the quality of the services we provide.
AAMGI is located in beautiful Sonoma County, California

AAMGi Corporate values

We are dedicated to service in our medical community. We are committed to ethical conduct in all our affairs. In order to facilitate such conduct, we have identified certain core values that are integral to our orientation, our actions and our relationships.
These include:

Integrity · Respect and Trust · Team Process · Cooperation and Collaboration · Open, Honest and Effective Communication · Flexibility – Support and Facilitation of Peer
Well-Being · Quality Improvement · Corporate Success

By establishing these values and consistently using them as guides in our corporate philosophy and decision-making. AAMGI creates a professionalism and standard of caregiving that is in alignment with the ideals of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and of benefit to our community.

Our History

AAMGI was formed in 1991 by 11 anesthesiologists then all practicing as individuals at Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. Since then and over time, anesthesiologists providing services at the Santa Rosa outpatient surgery center, Petaluma Valley Hospital, Palm Drive Hospital, Healdsburg Medical Center, Sutter Santa Rosa Regional Hospital and Queen of the Valley Medical Center all joined AAMGI. AAMGI also grew as demand for both acute and chronic pain services grew in Sonoma and Napa Counties. Today, AAMGI is an independent medical group of board certified physician anesthesiologists who provide perioperative and critical care anesthesia services at over 20 Sonoma and Napa County facility locations. We are fully engaged at all the hospitals we provide services in with our physicians holding key leadership positions in each of these hospitals.